Hello booklovers,
Less than a week to go until our Online Book Festival! Where has the time gone? Needless to say we’re all very excited to launch our festival via a very different platform – we hope you are looking forward to our Live interviews, author Q&As and snapshots into a day in the life of an author in lockdown.
As an extra treat this week, keep your eyes on our website for a new blog feature, the Castaway Library. To some extent we have all experienced some form of isolation over the past few months. Grabbing hold of that theme… imagine if you were isolated and totally alone, not surrounded by the comforting streets and spires that populate our town. Im
agine if you were stranded on a desert island, with nothing but three books to keep you entertained. Which books would you pick?
We posed this very question to several authors who would have, under normal circumstances, been guests at our original 2020 festival, and recieved some totally fascinating responses. Look out for the castaway libraries of Edward Parnell, Kit Yates, Louise Millar and Helen McCarthy over the course of the next few days – you might get inspired to read some new titles yourself!
Bookish best,
The Felixstowe Book Festival Team