Hello booklovers,
By now I think it is certainly a truth universally acknowledged that in times of crisis books are an absolute tonic. Escaping from incessant news, notifications, emails and phone is essential and what better way to do so than by escaping into a good book? Reading for pleasure is proven to be linked to reducing stress and depression, as well as improving literacy and sleeping patterns. At a time when we are spending more and more time alone, reading provides crucial connections to other worlds and other lives.
Our friends at the Reading Agency work all year round to encourage universal reading for pleasure, including through events such as World Book Night, an annual celebration of reading. Every year the Reading Agency work closely with lots of different publishers to compile a list of books to share of all different types of genres and suitable for all sorts of different tastes. Many of these books are available both in print and in digital formats, including titles such as The Salt Path by Raynor Winn and East of Hounslow by Khurrum Rahman. Take a look at the full booklist here.
This year’s World Book Night has to be slightly different, for obvious reasons. With that in mind, the Reading Agency cordially invites us all to the World Book Night Reading Hour. Join a world of readers at 7pm this evening for an hour of reading: it can be to yourself, to your children, your partner, your pet… just spend an hour delighting in literature! A fantastic way to spend the evening, wouldn’t you agree?
Hope you are all taking care and looking after yourselves dear booklovers. Keep your eyes peeled for our next reading recommendations list! Wishing you all a very happy World Book Night!
Bookish best,
Imogen and the Festival Team x